Sunday, December 13, 2009

Is it bad to leave eye liner and mascara on overnight?

Well, it would suck if you lost your eyelashes....but I've been leaving my masacara and eyeliner AND eyeshadow on for years because I forget to wash it off. Nothing has ever happened to me. I just rub it all into my eyes in the morning and it gets all over my hands and face. Then I look like a raccoon and my dad makes fun of me lol. Nothing major,Is it bad to leave eye liner and mascara on overnight?

How many nights and how heavy is it?Is it bad to leave eye liner and mascara on overnight?
eye liner and mascara won't cause you acne because they are on your eyes or near your eyes.

please remove your eye makeup because even though it won't cause you acne, it might cause an infection on your eyes while you sleep.

take care of your eyes!

and also, when you wake up, you don't want to look like a raccoon! =]

Okay, so it doesn't cause pimples. But it does sprinkle age-spots on your eye area, and I don't know of many who would want that. And as for eyelashes, yes, they grow back, but they will grow back damaged and brittle and delicate forever. And if you do it too often, it won't grow back. Seriously. So don't be lazy and pull out the makeup remover.
Its a good idea to start a ritual of removing all your make-up and washing your face with a good cleanser then moisturizing every night before bed..

Reason is .. You might not notice now but as you get older.. this will keep your skin glowing and healthier...

And even tho you are tired.. try to take the time removing the mascara.. just so you look refreshed in the morning and not all smeared from that stuff.. :)
yup, leaving make up over nights are a bid no-no... better wash it off before going to bed.
yes, the mascara flakes can get into your eyes and start to scratch and irritate your eyes. it may look better in the morning to have that dark eyeliner smudged look, but trust me, its way better to just smudge the eyeliner yourself than to sleep with makeup on
It's not going to cause pimples, OR make your eyelashes fall off, though it will dry your lashes and make them icky feeling. Besides that, you can get eye infections really easily by having the eyeliner/mascara come into contact with your eye. For a simple, easy way to remove makeup at night, I'd suggest the Maybelline eye makeup remover; but the one WITHOUT the oil. The one with oil is for waterproof makeup, and if you don't have waterproof makeup on, it just makes your eyes look greasy and feel weird... the one in the blue bottle works much better! Just put a little bit of it onto a kleenex and wipe your eyes. It works like a charm! Hope this helped! :]
eye liner wont likely cause any damage, but leaving mascara on causes your eye lashes to become brittle, you don't ever want to lose lashes! Remove it at night with a good quality eye makeup remover.
it's not as bad as leaving foundation on overnight. when i was a heavy drinker, i would keep those ponds makeup remover towelettes on my nightstand, so i could drunkenly get all the makeup off my face without having to deal with the sink and all that stuff. they're the best-better than mac, lancome, etc.. good for sensitive eyes and skin.
It acutely can cause eye infection if Ur not yeah u should remove before u go to bed every day just to be safe.
you will look like a racoon when you wake up
Yeah dont do it. Just remove it every night. Its not too hard. My friend cakes on mascara and liner and I told her to take it off b4 she does to bed and did she listen??????? Nope. And guess what happened?? EYE INFECTION. She couldn't wear makeup for 2 weeks!!!!! Its really bad for you, and your lashes will fall out.
Keeping make-up on overnight, clogs your pores making it hard for you skin to breathe. Also, I find that if I wear mascara and eyeliner overnight, it's harder for me to get it off in the morning. What I use is Ponds clean sweep ( I think that's what it's called) and the product provides you with mosturizing wipes that get rid of all forms of make-up. The formula that Ponds use cleans your pores and leaves you skin feeling soft and clean.

It causes you to have pimples and... it's really gross and you feel groggy in the morning...
yeah, mascara will dry out your lashes...and they fall off.

I never used to remove mine overnight and I never had any problems. Everybody's skin and hair are different and have different tolerances. If it's not good for you, you'll find out quickly enough.
mascara will dry your eye lashes so you want to take it off every night so they don't get brittle and break. I'd suggest taking eye liner off too. There have been times when I'd wake up with red, puffy, and sore eyes when I've slept in liner.
yes it is bad because it can irritate your eyes and mascara causes your lashes to break if you leave it on, some mascara packages tell you to remove your mascara because it breaks lashes if you leave it on
i try to get my make-up off before i go to sleep but id get all of it off so in the morning i use under eye make - up remover i dont loose my eye lashes at least id think ido....

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